Enrollment Opens November 1, 2024


Your Novel: From Premise to Published

Your Novel: From Premise to Published is the only course of its kind offered to fiction writers who also follow Jesus. With access to 30+ lessons included in 7 modules, you’ll learn all the elements necessary to craft an engaging novel for the Christian or general market, proven methods for connecting with readers before publication, and the key information you’ll need to traditionally or independently publish your book.


I'm Ginny L. Yttrup, an award-winning traditionally and independently published novelist, writing coach, and developmental editor. I created Your Novel: From Premise to Published.

If you're a fiction writer ready for progress, Your Novel: From Premise to Published is for you.


You've dreamt of writing a novel that will touch readers' lives, and now you're ready to make that dream a reality. You're ready to put in the time and hard work to write and publish well and to engage with readers.

  • Whether this is your first manuscript or your tenth, you want to continue to hone your craft, streamline your process, and publish well.
  • You know it's about more than just the writing. You simultaneously need to develop your publishing plan and begin connecting with readers.
  • You believe God is leading you to write and publish in the Christian or general marketplace, and you want to honor him by doing so to the best of your abilities.

Enrollment Opens November 1, 2024 


During the  Course, you will 


  • Develop Your Strategic Writing and Publishing Plan: Based on your unique personality, work style, and goals, your Strategic Plan will become your road map for streamlining your systems and getting the work done.
  • Learn or Continue to Hone Your Craft: Through instruction from award-winning novelist, writing coach, and developmental editor Ginny L. Yttrup, you'll learn and hone craft techniques and nuances of fiction.
  • Determine Your Publishing Method: Based on instruction in the methods of publication and considering time frames, necessary steps, and your desired outcome, you'll determine the publication path you'll pursue.
  • Complete Your Manuscript: If you adhere to your road map, you’ll have a solid plan to complete the writing and editing of your manuscript. Is completion guaranteed? No. Life happens, and we trust in God's timing. But you'll have a clear strategy to complete a manuscript that will be ready for professional editing or submission to agents.
  • Connect with Readers: In the publishing world, being connected to readers translates to platform numbers. But readers are people, not numbers. When building platform, you're really engaging in relationships. During the Course, you'll learn and employ the best practices for making connections with readers.
  • Journey from Premise to Published: You'll learn how to develop your premise, write and edit your manuscript, choose your publishing path, and engage with readers eager to buy your book. You'll be well on your way to publication!

"Ginny L. Yttrup is a writing pro who takes a manuscript from good to Oh my goodness, it’s great. With a deft eye for detail and a deep understanding of story, she improved my novel by 100 percent and then doubled that. . . . She guided me, as the writer, to craft places I didn’t know I could go. You’ll gain more than you can imagine by working with such an insightful, empowering, talented coach."

Patricia Raybon, award-winning bestselling author of All That Is Secret, an Annalee Spain Mystery

The Course


Making the journey from the premise of your novel to publication requires a strategic, individualized plan and a multifocused effort in fiction craft, publishing, and platform practices.

Your Novel: From Premise to Published offers 7 modules focused on aspects of the fiction craft, publishing methods, and engagement with readers.

Each module includes

  • Five to Six Video Lessons.Videos are approximately to 10 to 20 minutes long and are accompanied by an audio file for listening on the go.
  • An Abundance of Digital Resources.Each lesson includes resources to reference or use as you work through the lesson. The resources include Ginny’s Your Novel Map WorkbookYour Strategic Writing & Publishing Plan: A Guided JournalYour Platform-Building Strategy, and so much more!
  • Rest Stops.Each module includes a digital resource guiding you through a time of rest and refreshment that will soothe your soul and stimulate your creativity.
  • Flexible Access.Log in to the private membership site to access your Course library and resources.

Receive all course modules, including all lessons and resources, upon enrollment. 


Let's travel From Premise to Published together!


Module 1

Your Strategic Plan

The lessons in this module will guide you through creating your Strategic Plan and making important decisions about the novel you want to write, the publishing path you'll pursue, your schedule, how you'll build relationships with readers, and how you'll recharge along the way.

By the end of the module, you'll be navigating your Strategic Plan—your clear strategy for success—and employing new habits and mindsets that will keep you moving in the right direction.


  • Set your course as you explore your publishing options—traditional publication with a royalty-paying publisher, self-publication, or a hybrid approach—and as you consider the essential elements of your novel.
  • Assess your platform systems—your website, email marketing server, automated email sequences, and lead magnet(s)—to determine what you need to implement, create, or re-create.
  • Identify potential roadblocks by thinking through habits that hamper your progress and negative mindsets that hold you back. Establish routines to keep you moving toward your goals.


Module 2

Craft, Novel Structure, Engagement 

In Module 2, you'll work with a dual focus on craft and platform. You'll review and continue honing fiction techniques, learn the importance of novel structure, map your novel elements, and more. You'll also set up any necessary platform-building systems and begin engaging with readers.

By the end of this module, you'll have honed necessary fiction techniques, tested your story premise, crafted your hook, and implemented your platform systems.


  • Map the essential elements of your novel using the Your Novel Map Trello board or workbook.
  • Test your story premise so you know if it's strong enough to entice readers to “The End.” You'll determine whether it's a high-concept premise or formulaic.
  • Craft the all-important hook for your manuscript. You'll also craft your pitch or premise statement for use in a book proposal, meetings with agents and editors, or marketing copy. 
  • Implement platform systems not already in place, and create a lead magnet and automated emails. 


Module 3

Theme, Setting, Point of View (POV)

In this module, you'll focus on craft as you consider the theme of your novel, the setting, and a metaphor you might use to convey your theme or another element of your plot. You'll review examples of each element from popular novels and understand how each element fits into the genre and plot of your novel.

You'll also spend time focused on your platform as you begin building relationships with readers.

By the end of this module, you'll have a clear understanding of how the elements of a novel work together to enhance the overall plot, you'll have learned some of the nuances of POV and how to use them as you write, and you'll know where to find your readers and how to connect with them.


  • Take your novel to the next level by connecting your theme, plot, and metaphor to show your reader exactly what you want them to see.
  • Master the nuances of POV appropriate for the genre you're writing and the plot you're crafting, as you continue writing. 
  • Review your Strategic Plan to determine what about it is working and what isn't. Adjust accordingly.
  • Find your readers. Discover which social media platforms they frequent and the groups in which they participate. Begin engaging consistently to form relationships. 


Module 4

Character Development, Social Media

In this module, you'll further develop the characters you began creating when you mapped your novel and as you've been writing. You'll layer in quirks, make certain each character's voice is unique, add emotional depth, check internal and external motivations and how they're woven into the plot, and more.

You'll delve more deeply into social media, creating a plan that fits your needs while also giving readers an opportunity to get to know you.

By the end of this module, you'll know your characters intimately and discover how to create each one with unique characteristics. You'll have tuned your social media engagement as you continue building relationships with readers.


  • Create memorable characters your readers will love, by further developing each of your primary characters and the way they interact with one another. If you're creating archetypes, make certain they fit readers' expectations.
  • Examine your main characters' arcs and how they fit with the story arc. Ensure that your plot points facilitate your characters' growth/change. 
  • Create a social media plan that works for you, a plan that allows readers to get to know you authentically, without having to sacrifice what's important to you.
  • Create marketing copy for use in publishing, and begin sharing it with readers on social media or in newsletters.


Module 5

Subplots, Scenes, Pacing

In this module, you'll learn the importance of creating engaging subplots and ways to weave them into your overall plot. You'll also learn how to shape transitional scenes that move your readers from one act to the next.

By the end of this module, you'll have ensured that the pace of your novel will keep readers’ attention and that your subplots are engaging and intertwine tightly with your plot. You'll also have completed necessary research to move forward toward your goal of publication.


  • Review subplots—the stories within your story—and study the ways subplots work to strengthen your overall plot.
  • Create climactic transitions between acts, to hook readers again and again and to keep the pace moving.
  • Structure scenes that continue to build tension through questions and conflicts readers need to see resolved, keeping the pace moving and readers turning pages. 
  • Research agents who represent the genre in which you're writing, check client recommendations, and research submission guidelines. If self-publishing is your plan, research developmental editors and copyeditors, check references, and get on editors' schedules.


Module 6

Story Threads, Final Scenes, Publishing Tasks

In this module, you'll tie up loose ends and make sure each of your subplot arcs come to completion. You'll craft a final climactic scene that leads to a satisfying ending, and you'll write the words you've looked forward to, “The End.”

You'll share your accomplishment with your future readers. 

By the end of this module, you'll have crafted your third act, making certain you've tied up the loose ends of your plot and subplots. You'll finally write “The End,” you'll use this milestone to engage with your future readers, and you'll breathe deep as you enjoy this module's Rest Stop.


  • Craft the climactic transition leading readers to your novel’s third act and final scenes.
  • Analyze your plot and subplots to make certain all complete satisfactorily. Tie up the loose ends. 
  • Review the Final Chapter Checklist to make sure you've created a satisfying ending for your readers.
  • Write “The End” and celebrate! 


Module 7

Self-Editing, Revision, Submission

  • In this module, you'll reread and edit your manuscript following the self-editing guidelines provided. You'll further hone your craft and story skills, preparing the manuscript for submission.

You'll begin submitting your manuscript to agents or editors, depending on your publishing path.

By the end of this module, you'll have a polished manuscript ready for submission. If traditionally publishing, you'll have finalized your book proposal and begun submitting it to agents. If self-publishing, you'll have sent your entire manuscript to your developmental editor.


  • Edit your manuscript by working through the Self-Editing Checklistto ensure that you've fully developed your story and honed all aspects of your craft. 
  • Revise your manuscript in places you've determined could use further development, and cut unnecessary scenes.
  • Walk away from your manuscript for several days to give your mind space to mull over and prayerfully consider the manuscript’s status. Return to it refreshed and do one more quick pass. Then let it go rather than overediting. 
  • Press send! Submit your manuscript to agents or your editor. Then take a long nap or vacation, reconnect with friends, and thank all the people who've supported you. You're on your way to publication!

What Participants have to say about the Course


"Because I was familiar with Ginny Yttrup’s expertise as a novelist and writing coach, I had high expectations for Your Novel: From Premise to Published. In fact, my lofty expectations made me nervous. What if I couldn’t keep up with the lessons? What if I ended up feeling overwhelmed and frazzled?

Throughout the Course, my writing—and my love for writing—grew stronger. The lessons helped me improve my writing skills, explore my publishing options, and define my online presence. 

Did Your Novel: From Premise to Published meet my expectations? It exceeded them. Would I want to do it all over again? I’d love to."

Laura Joy Lloyd


I took this course this year and it is excellent. Combined with the Cohort it was the boost I needed this year to kick start my new project. I have signed up for the Cohort once again. The community is vital!

Judy Utman


"Your Novel: From Premise to Published is one of the best things I've done in my writing career. Hands down. Ginny's bite-size lessons and concrete examples walk you through the entire writing and publishing process.

After all the writing conferences I've attended, it amazes me that you can get this all in one place. And at your own pace."

Eileen Grafton


"Ginny's novels prove she has the heart of a writer. I read most of them before she offered Your Novel: From Premise to Published and the Fiction Crafters Cohort. When my husband gave me the opportunity to learn from her as a Christmas present, I could hardly wait to start.

Ginny has put every resource at her disposal into the Course. 

Jane Baker 


"I was stretched gently but strategically in my writing endeavors while working with Ginny’s teaching in Your Novel: From Premise to Published.

The Cohort was a great community of faith-based people who cheered and encouraged one another along the path.

This is a unique and special opportunity to learn and grow your fiction craft. Sign up—you won’t be disappointed!"

Chris Daniel


Enroll now in Your Novel: From Premise to Published!

Make 2025 the year you finish your novel and prepare for publication!

If you enroll in the Course before December 31, 2024, you'll receive immediate access to all the course modules, Your Strategic Writing & Publishing Plan: A Guided Journal to use as you plan your writing year, and FREE access to the Words for Writers Platform Building Bootcamp, January 12 - 18, 2025.

Don't Miss the

2025 Fiction Crafters Cohort!


The 2025 Fiction Crafters Cohort offers you a vibrant online community of like-minded fiction writers who will encourage and support you, timely instruction from industry professionals such as the Cohort’s literary agent in residence, live workshops and Q&A sessions with Ginny L. Yttrup and other publishing experts, quarterly group coaching events with Ginny, live writing sessions with fellow Cohort members, and so much more!

Pair the Course with the Cohort and receive guidance when you want it. Your guide, Ginny, is available throughout the yearlong Cohort, to answer questions via the Q&A sessions, offer her expertise via workshops, and interact in the private Cohort Facebook group. 

You'll also receive all the benefits of the Cohort, including monthly instructional or inspirational workshops led by industry professionals, access to the Cohort's genre cohorts, small genre based mastermind groups, and more.


 Seeking Personalized Attention?

Save with the 4C Bundle!

Course + Cohort + Coaching + Critique


What’s Included in the 4C Bundle?


  • Lifetime access to Your Novel: From Premise to Published, 30+ lessons on the fiction craft, platform building, and publishing
  • Membership in the 2025 Fiction Crafters Cohort, connecting you to a community of like-minded writers, instruction from industry professionals, and more
  • Three one-on-one 50-minute coaching sessions with Ginny L. Yttrup during 2024, providing expert guidance specific to the novel you're writing
  • A line-by-line critique of the first chapter of your manuscript, to ensure you hook readers from the beginning and keep them reading with proven craft techniques 


To ensure coaching and critique clients receive focused attention, Ginny caps enrollment in this option. Enroll now if the 4C plan fits you!

I can’t wait for you to enroll in the Course!

Because my own journey to publication was long and winding, a road marked with potholes, I am passionate about helping other writers avoid some of the struggles I encountered. I believe, with all my heart, that this Course will do just that, by offering what my coaching company, Words for Writers, is known for—instruction and inspiration for writers.

I've designed this course to help you attain your goal—perhaps it is even your dream—of crafting a well-written, publishable novel.

Choose Your Enrollment Option

Onetime Payment or Multiple Payments



Enroll with a Onetime Payment of $693.00


Save over $50 when you pay in full with a onetime payment.

Here’s what you’ll receive when you join today

  • Immediate access to the Welcome Module preparing you for the 7 Course modules releasing weekly beginning February 6, 2024

















Course + Cohort


Enroll with a Onetime Payment of $873


Save over $100 off the Course when you pair it with the Cohort! Save an additional $75 when you make a onetime payment!

Here’s what you’ll receive when you join today

  • All the 2024 Cohort benefits listed
  • Immediate access to the Welcome Module preparing you for the Course modules, releasing weekly beginning February 6, 2024













4C Bundle

Course + Cohort + Coaching + Critique


Enroll with a Onetime Payment of $1,350.00


Save $100 off Ginny's coaching and critique rates when you pair them with the Cohort + Course! Save an additional $75 when you make a onetime payment!

Here’s what you’ll receive when you join today:

  • All the 2024 Cohort benefits listed
  • Immediate access to the Your Novel From Premise to Published Welcome Module preparing you for the Course modules, releasing weekly beginning February 6, 2024
  •  A link to schedule your first 50-minute coaching session


To ensure coaching and critique clients receive focused attention, Ginny caps enrollment in this option. Enroll now if the 4C plan fits you!




Course + Cohort


Enroll with Four Monthly Payments of $237


Save over $100 off the Course when you pair it with the Cohort!


Here’s what you’ll receive when you join today:

  • All the 2024 Cohort benefits listed
  • Immediate access to the Welcome Module preparing you for the Course modules, releasing weekly beginning February 6, 2024











4C Bundle

Course + Cohort + Coaching + Critique


Enroll with Four Monthly Payments of $356


Save $100 off Ginny's coaching and critique rates when you pair them with the Cohort + Course


Here’s what you’ll receive when you join today:

  • All the 2024 Cohort benefits listed
  • Immediate access to the Your Novel From Premise to Published Welcome Module preparing you for the Course modules, releasing weekly beginning February 6, 2024
  •  A link to schedule your first 50-minute coaching session


To ensure coaching and critique clients receive focused attention, Ginny caps enrollment in this option. Enroll now if the 4C plan fits you!


Frequently Asked Questions